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I'll Have a Glass of Water Please

With summer in full force and sweat creeping into all areas of our bodies (hah ew) it is important to start thinking about your water intake.

It is no new news that water is one of the most essential components of the human body. Our body is more than 60% water...thats a lot of water, but where does it all go?

- regulates our body’s temperature

- protects our vital organs

- keeps our joints cushioned

- aids the digestive system…just to name a few!

Water can also help boost the metabolism, reduce hunger cravings and increase our energy levels. Cheers to that!

How do I know if I’m drinking enough water?

The basic equation for determining your baseline water requirement is: Dividing your body weight in half.

So, for example if you weigh 200 pounds, you would need 100 ounces of water per day if you're not doing anything strenuous… I know, I know that sounds straight up crazy to be drinking THAT much water per day. BUT know that is number is including the water that comes from foods (like all those fruits and veggies)

If you're working out, hiking, at a high altitude or outdoors getting a good sweat, then you will need to add more ounces to your baseline requirement.

The American Council on exercise recommends drinking 7 to 10 ounces of water every 20 minutes in your workout.

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